1 definition by Flowery princess xox

The most amazing girl you will ever meet. She is kind, funny, pretty, sporty, smart, creative. She is everything you could wish for in someone. She is so selfless and is always willing to put others before herself in any situation no matter the circumstance. If you meet an Alana you are guaranteed a friend for life. She treats people with respect yet is able to have fun and being around her is never dull. Whenever she walks into a room he mood immediately changes and lightens and a smile spreads across everyone's face. Everyone wishes they could be Alana and wants to be friends with her. Alana is the most incredible person you will meet that she is almost too good to be true. She is a definite keeper!!
Eric: ur so lucky she such an Alana
Tom: I know I got so lucky with her!
by Flowery princess xox July 12, 2017
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