1 definition by Florbokind

Amen, an English word derived from the Hebrew word āmīn, means"let it be so" and has no gender specific connotations. A well intentioned, yet ignorant and not too bright congressman, in an attempt to be inclusive, decided to add a gender reference to the term and closed a prayer to, "the great monotheistic deity worshipped by many faiths and cultures", with "amen and awomen". One must note that apparently this congressmen was not only uninformed as to the meaning and origins of the term amen, but also deeply transphobic. Were he truly trying to be inclusive, he would have closed the prayer with, "amen, awomen, axis, anon-binaries, etc."
Dear great deity of the universe of whom nobody can seem to agree who or what you are. I do not know if you are a benevolent being, an apathetic being, a malevolent being who toys with us, or a giant spaghetti monster in the sky. If you are benevolent, please strike down my political adversaries, as I do not like them. If you are malevolent, please strike down my political adversaries for I am working towards the destruction of this great nation. If you are apathetic, you probably aren't even listening, so I don't really expect that much. In the name of your son, daughter, or anywhere between on the gender spectrum, amen, awomen, atrans-men, atrans-women, anon-binary, agender-neutral, and a-all of the rest of the rapidly growing list of genders on the spectrum.
by Florbokind January 11, 2021
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