3 definitions by Fishlord

The act of humming out a song saying the word "pah" instead of humming.
Man I love that song, why don't you bust a pah; or, I like to pah this tune. The recendent confirms the wish, and pahs the songs out.
by Fishlord July 9, 2006
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A completely hilarious joke and insult to mankind.
-derived from the fact that some people thought godsmack was any good.
Person A: Yo, tell em that godsmack you heard the other day.
Person B: Okay... there was this band named godsmack and they were great.
Person C&D: HAHAHAHA! That's hilarious.. AND an insult to mankind.
by Fishlord July 9, 2006
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The feeling you get right before you find out what the fuck is actually happening.
KKK Member: Man, I have a lot of confidence today.
Fellow Passenger: That's too bad, we're crash landing in Harlem.
by Fishlord July 9, 2006
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