1 definition by Finni

The main language of Finland. Finno-Ugric.
One of the hardest and weirdest languages on Earth.
Contains the best swearwords; saatana, helvetti, kyrpä and essentially perkele.
The tone may sound angry and irritated for tourists, but actually Finnish people are quite nice.
Has some really long words, like "epäjärjestelmällisyydessänsäkään" and "metsämarjatäysmehutiivistepurkki". (Sorry, can't translate them, but they really are accurate Finnish words.)
Finnish SSS: Sauna, Sibelius and Sisu ("Suomalainen sisu" = Finnish hardiness)
By the way, there are not any polar bears walking on streets of Finland; actually, there are no polar bears there at all, except in a Finnish zoo called Korkeasaari.
by Finni September 14, 2007
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