2 definitions by FOSHIZZLEMANIZZLE

Used instead of the word period/on the blob/bleeding when talking to mates about the fact your bird is on and you cant have sex
Man 1: Why yo lookin so down dawg?
Man 2: Ma bitch is blowing oil, gawd damn!
Man 1: Take the dirt track then, fag
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An old english term for academics who herald from Marmesbury. (A town in England) a "jonny runny poo" is a rare breed. Usually found in any university library, flicking through back issues of country life, this creature adores all things Wildean, debauched and longs to marry a ho ming from Pobo.
Come here Jonny Runny Poo, stop being so brainless.

by FOSHIZZLEMANIZZLE October 30, 2006
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