2 definitions by FASHNPRINCESS15

cute warm comfty boots that are expensive, most girls can't afford them so they call ugg boot"ugly" but they wear the cheap knock-offs.
GIRL WHO CANT AFFORD THEM :(dryly) hey. (walks away go to her stupid friend)....
GIRL WHO CANT AFFORD THEM: omg look at her she thinks shes cute those ugg boots are so damn ugly. ( go's home)
GIRL WHO CANT AFFORD THEM: MOM! why cant you buy the ugg boots, please i'll do extra chores.
MOM: no honey for the 50th time we have bills to pay.
by FASHNPRINCESS15 October 14, 2009
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a dark store that you can smell 50ft. away. kind of expensive...some teens who get brainwahed and peer-pressured by peers in school go beg their parents to go there even though the parents have bills to pay, they end up spending 80 dollars and think they done something so great. then they get laughed at because they only have like 2 or 3 shirts.
DUMB GIRL: hey guys
POPULAR KIDS: (dryly) oh hey.
ONE OF THE POPULAR GIRLS: what the hell are you wearing? is that hollister? wow all year you've been wearing WETSEAL AND WAL-MART.
DUMB GIRL: (go home) MOM, i knew i should just went to walmart, i could of had 8 shirts!
by FASHNPRINCESS15 October 14, 2009
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