2 definitions by EripphasSmaerd

aka Rijah, Lij, Lijah, Wood, Woody, Teh Sex
An amazing male actor most famously seen in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, but most beloved in Try Seventeen(All I Want). Known for his big, beautiful, blue eyes.
Especially great when coupled with Dominic Monaghan and/or Billy Boyd.
1. Dom: Elijah Wood, are you famous because of your big beautiful blue eyes? Big, blue...
EW: *maniacal laughter* ummm....
2. Dom: Elijah, you dumped Franka Potente. VIE?
EW: *maniacal laughter* ummm....
by EripphasSmaerd March 19, 2005
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Besides the dark lord of LOTR, this term can be used to describe a person or situation that is unpleasant or annoying or just messed up.
When referring to a person:
My teacher just failed me because I spelled naissance without the "i." She's such a sauron.

When referring to a situation:
Guy 1- Dude! My laptop just got stolen.
Guy 2- That's so sauron!
by EripphasSmaerd March 19, 2005
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