9 definitions by Emby Quinn

A euphemistic substitute for fucking.
I don't believe this, AOL deleted my effen homepage.
by Emby Quinn October 22, 2003
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Acronym for Hand Stapled to Forehead. A facetious melodramatic reference, probably originating from the stereotypical silent film heroine, who would roll her eyes and lift the back of her hand to her brow at a dramatic moment (usually prior to swooning). The "stapled" reference generally suggests that the dramatist's hand gets stuck in place, and it can be used as an insult or as an intentionally humorous melodramatic gesture.
Vladimir's okay, but he HSFs a lot.

Life is a meaningless misery. ::HSF::
by Emby Quinn October 22, 2003
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Of or relating to goth and the subculture thereof. Older adherents of the subculture (it's been around since the 1970s, people) prefer to call themselves "gothic" rather than "goths". The term is reminiscent of a style of medieval architecture and intended to bring to mind images of gargoyles, stone arches and funerary monuments.
There is no "gothic movement". Get over it.
by Emby Quinn October 22, 2003
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Being overly defensive, obnoxious, confrontational, or just generally annoying.
Man, you've really got your ass on your shoulders.
by Emby Quinn May 19, 2006
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Suggestive of a dark, morbid outlook on life, but not without a sense of humor. Often associated with vampires, cemeteries, and other trappings of death and isolation. An outgrowth of the post-punk New Romantic movement that spawned such musical groups as Bauhaus, Siouxsie and the Banshees and the Cure. The controversy rages about what "is" goth and what it isn't, as various members of the subculture jockey for credibility. Basically, if you have to ask someone if you're a goth, you probably aren't, and no one person is the ultimate judge of who and what is or is not goth. Except maybe Robert Smith.
Do we really need another definition of "goth"? Probably not, but here it is anyway.
by Emby Quinn October 22, 2003
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(Derogatory) A slut; a tease; a general nuisance; someone who uses sex (or the promise of it) to get what she wants without regard for other people's feelings. Combination of twit and bitch; also referring to someone who walks in a suggestive ("twitchy") manner.
by Emby Quinn October 22, 2003
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Crazy, manic, insane, out of control, generally messed up.
"I just asked him where he got the black eye and he went totally bugfuck."
by Emby Quinn April 11, 2003
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