4 definitions by Ecamsan007

Our five senses grant us consciousness. Our only perception of our existance in this physical world. If we lose our hearing, eyesite sensation of touch taste and smell what could we percieve? Would we physically exist? Science would say no. If we had only 4 senses our physical existance would likely be completly different (but only in the way we perceive it). Imagine if we had 6 senses, 7 senses how about 100? They would all be equally significant as the five we have now. Unimaginable by the human mind until they are experienced. (How could you articulate to a blind man what it's like to see? You could try, but in the end its just something you must experience.) How different would our universe "look" to us? Remember, there's more to this physical universe than we can understand. Some might ask the question, if there are other life forms far away in the universe (science would say that there are) how many senses do they posess? How much more advanced would they be than us? How much more fit for "survival" would their higher consciousness allow them to be?
Is full consciousness possible for any living being? We know it's not very likely for humans since we use only %10 of our brain capacity.
by Ecamsan007 March 1, 2009
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A "Tinder Trap" usually in the form of a "Tinder Trap photo" is the phenomenon in which a person looks amazing in some certain photos, yet in person they appear to be significantly less attractive.
Dude 1: "Ayy man, I met this tinder chick last night, look..."(Shows Dude 2 Tinder Trap Photo)
Dude 2: "Daam she baad. Did you get it innn?"
Dude 1"Hell no bro! She fine in these photos right? Well in person she look busted af , completely different, not even close, nasty redheaded stepchild evil twin version of this girl in her photos ."
Dude 2 "That's Wack"
by Ecamsan007 November 18, 2017
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-An occasion in which many attractive women are in one place.

-The way a lonely guy would describe any place that contains more than 3 attractive women.

-Term made famous by Will Ferrell as Steve Boutabi in "A Night at the Roxbury"
Steve: "Whats up, whats up, whats up, whats up..."
Doug: "STEVE!"
Steve: "I'm sorry it's hottie overload in here."
Doug: "Pace yourself."
Steve: "2,3, Whats up.. 2,3 whats up..."
by Ecamsan007 November 30, 2009
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The one thing middle school girls pray for at night.

A great way to make someone feel like they actually have friends.

A phrase which often causes the elderly to become baffled, then irritated, and then baffled again. Frequently accompanied by a facial expression which illustrates confusion.

The downfall of the technological revolution in one term.

The name of a song by the band Evergreen Terrace.
Suzie: "I cant wait any longer to check my myspace page!"

Bystander 1: "Why do you think that girl is running frantically into the library?"

Bystander 2: "I have an idea."

Bystander 1: "Yeah, she must be anxious to check her Myspace for New Friend Requests."
by Ecamsan007 August 26, 2009
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