4 definitions by Dutchy247

When you get home on your birthday, and all your mates are banging your misses.
I had the best orange surprise party this year’s birthday.
by Dutchy247 January 31, 2020
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When all your mates think you have worms, but it’s just a buildup of all the fingernails you’ve been chewing.
Had to ask the doctor the other day if my symptoms were orange poo related.
by Dutchy247 February 1, 2020
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When your sister brings home her first boyfriend, and you have to contemplate whether or not you fuck her.
Was telling the lads the other night, I had an orange dilemma last week...no fingernails left.
by Dutchy247 February 1, 2020
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While you’re working, somebody pinches your bicycle, rides it to your house and bangs your missus.
Mad as the other day, finished work to find somebody had done the orange bicycle to me.
by Dutchy247 January 31, 2020
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