8 definitions by Duff

To be so physicaly drunk you cant function or remember anything.
Shawn drank like 20 beer last night and can't remember how he got home cause he was so,"hucked."
by Duff February 22, 2005
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Offically in Olde English it means dung heap or cess pit. Popular insult in the North of Ireland and Scotland and often used to describe any slovenly mess including persons.
Look at yer mans front yard, it looks like a f***in' midden.
by Duff January 13, 2004
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- The snuggly little patch or pasture for 'Nooglers' or 'Noogz' to 'Noogle' amongst. Similar to graizing in a pasture. ie. Comfort zone.
- I love it when you Noogle in my "NOOGLES" babycakes !!
by Duff March 15, 2003
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i just crested that guy
crest that doobie over here
by Duff October 5, 2004
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person or animal that just likes to fuck fuck fuck
Dam look at that lust monkey go!
by Duff March 12, 2005
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this is a term used to describe the penis of BT lee it is a play on the word managotti which is a type of italian pasta. The managot is often used to rape little girls and Butcherthe managot has been described as being 2 inches in lenght and often makes BT uriniate on his own balls.
Oh my god watch out for the MANAGOT!
i'll give you the managot you son of a bitch!
by Duff December 14, 2003
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Cracking, it's know as fucking or going to fuck
Another word similar to this is cacked which means your higher than a mother fucker.
"Cacking" -Yo after the party last night I went to this chick named Bella, and we cacked ALL FUCKIN NIGH

"Cacked" - dude I'm so fucking cacked, I'm not even on earth right now, look at my eyes. Where even are they??? You I'm so fucking high.

"Hey are you okay??"

"Shhhh I'm to cacked to understand what you are saying rn, your stressin me out. Leave before you ruin my high."
by Duff September 25, 2016
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