1 definition by DudeManGuyManDude


A casual slang term for a human female, usually but not always a youngish one. A "chick" could be 80 years old, but such usage is rare.

- adjective

1. Exhibiting feminine traits, or directed toward females.
2. Indicating a female person.

"Chick" is similar to "dude" or "guy" for males in that it is rather casual but completely devoid of judgment or derision. Unless spoken in a negative tone, offense only occurs when someone mistakenly believes the term to be derogatory.

Likely comes from British slang in which a female may be referred to as a "bird" (a chick being a baby bird), and likely evolved along with the slang term for a male, "cat," as cats chase birds.
Half of my best friends are chicks.
My awesome dog is a total chick magnet.

1. The movie Steel Magnolias is definitely a chick flick.
2. I seem to open up more to a chick psychologist.
by DudeManGuyManDude October 16, 2010
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