12 definitions by DragonDan

A song from sabaton's album the last stand (a very good metal band) that describes the crusades perfectly and is commonly used in Crusader and for honor memes.

In the heart of holy see
In the home of Christianity
The seat of power is in danger
There's a foe of a thousand swords
They've been abandoned by their lords
Their fall from grace will pave their path, to damnation
Then the 189
In the service of heaven
They're protecting the holy line
It was 1527
Gave their lives on the steps to heaven
Thy will be done!
Person 1: hey the last stand is pretty damn neato
Person 1: in the heart of the holy see
Person 2: in the home of Christianity

Person 3: the seat of power is in danger
Person 1: there's a foe of a thousand swords
Person 2: they've been abandoned by their lords
Person 3: their fall from grace will pave the their path to damnation!
Heretic: sabaton isnt even that good
Person 1, 2 & 3: IT SATS YOUR A HERETIC
by DragonDan August 13, 2018
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A very wholesome auntie who tries their best and likes wine a little too much
Also an artist
Person 1: Hey have you heard of Auntie Mags?
Person 2: Of course! She is w h o l e s o m e
Person 3: She also makes pretty good art
by DragonDan January 4, 2019
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The mighty god crabbo, kingler, despite being seen as an underpowered, is actually incredibly powerful if used correctly
Smooth brain: why did you bring Kingler into Ubers? Fucking idiot
Me: *proceeds to wipe 4 pokemon with god crab, kingler*
by DragonDan February 12, 2020
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A game about hitting balls, specifically baseballs.
In Lethal League you can play as 1 of 6 characters
Raptor: the basic bitch of them all and is balanced

Switch: He's a fuckin robot with a backwards cap and a skateboard, whats not to love?
Candyman: a tap-dancing dandy with a big yellow head and is very unstable, also he's a mutant.
Sonata: Grill with a speaker hammer.
Latch: vector from sonic in more clothing
Dice: He has a ping pong paddle, his ability is ok i guess?
Also the world starts being torn apart by your ball games.
Me: hey guys wanna play Lethal League?
Friend: sure

Friend: idk
by DragonDan October 8, 2018
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Also known as LEGO bricks, tbey are non explosive but can still cause extraordinary pain and suffering
Person: Watch out a Danish land mine!
Person 2: wha? ARGH FUCK
by DragonDan March 24, 2019
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An awesome weapon throughout tbe later middle ages, despite what some people think, its not a heavy blunt piece of iron smashed into shape, they where versitile and had many different techniques, one being half swording, where you would grab the sword by the blade and use the sword as a hammer, this was effective at caving in a mans skull even if they had a helmet and gambeson arming cap on.
Despite holywood and animes portrayal of katanas being an indestructible super sword being able to cut through or shatter a european sword, this is false, its likely that a katana would shatter upon striking a european sword.
Japanophille: Katanas are the best swords.
Me: no they are not, they where used as a backup weapon, plus European LongSwords where a far better weapon, stop thinking that hollywood and anime portray weapons in a good way.
by DragonDan February 4, 2019
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The embodiment of unfunny
I.e using troll face or other dead memes
Hattu: haha epic maymay *troll face other unfunny meme*
Decent person: what
by DragonDan August 6, 2018
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