3 definitions by Dr-Sock

A concept which trys to break the mold of "conformity".... this has innevitably backfired. As you can see in many urban places scene kids fester in swarms and are hard to tell apart because well.... they are all the same even guys and girls are usually indistinguisable.

in a feeble attempt to be different they start liking obscure things. but alas this will set a trend in motion through all scene kids making them look even more like clones.

In summary a group of people who try to be different and yet end up all exactly the same.
"was that scene kid a girl or guy"
"wats up with that kid" ... "im afraid he's scene"
by Dr-Sock June 26, 2009
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The worst thing to happen to music and my ears since cliff richard.... The show is pretty awful to ^-^
Is Hannah Montana Trying to ruin entertainment... caz shes doing a pretty good job.
by Dr-Sock June 26, 2009
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A small package of nasal discharge which seems at home clinging to the end of the nose or drooping out. This tends to create an awkward social situation for the owner of the "Greener."
"Dude you may wanna sort that greener out, it looks like its trying to escape."
by Dr-Sock June 26, 2009
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