4 definitions by DoomMan83

Short def: A brick wall.
Long def: Know Your Meme is a site that catalogs memes. The site is infested with weeaboos and shit-for-brains. Don't even think of voicing your opinion on there, or you'll get a sword down your throat. Yeah, their community is made up of those people. What do I mean by them being a brick wall? I mean they won't listen. No matter how much you try to get your point across, they will not actually read it. At least not rationally. They pick what they want to read and use it against you. I've been on there.
Watcher: I don't think you get my point, Know Your Meme. I'm saying you need to be constructive in criticism.
Weeaboo: le u mad?
by DoomMan83 October 13, 2014
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Bands that when looked up on Urban Dictionary have positive definitions, though the bands are absolute shit.
by DoomMan83 July 28, 2014
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"The viscous victim has lost his hold, revenge is a dish that's best served cold!"
by DoomMan83 June 23, 2014
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