33 definitions by Dizzle

Quite possibly the worst handheld video game system ever.. ever... EVER.
I heard that this one guy got tricked into buying an NGage.
by Dizzle November 5, 2003
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Fat girl with red spots on the skin above her elbow.
by Dizzle February 26, 2004
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Carbo is a combination of Cardio excercises and Boxing focusing mainly on the glutes. Very similar to Taebo, but more intense.
I heard that "Carbo" really works the ass.
by Dizzle September 18, 2004
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Sorry to sound emo but... it is most commonly when you get dumped and you try to hide the sorrow or whatever, and youre like... "im over it"... but you really arent.

Or... if you ARENT emo... then it means youre done w/ something, like.. ahh screw that.
person one: im sorry i broke your guitar.
person two: its ok, im over it. oh ok. im lying. you fruitstick, buy me a new guitar!
by Dizzle April 24, 2004
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The couple haveing sex in the wal-mart dumpster were told to skatt by the cart boy.
by Dizzle November 11, 2004
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A cute person whose milkshake is better than all
That shit is so Wuzzles
by Dizzle June 11, 2004
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V. To pretend to not understand a word or term in hopes of not being perceived as a loser.
Person 1: Go pikeetru!
Person 2: Don't pitru that shit, you know its pikachu.
by Dizzle September 16, 2003
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