2 definitions by DiZzY DeViL dUcKy

An Italian-American that pretends to be Italian by: Talking with a thick New York accent; driving their cars way too fast with techno music blasting; dressing in tight clothes/valour, with their hair slicked back, gold chains, bracelets and rings and chest hair sticking out; usually being of ignorant towards gays and minorities and disrespectfull of woman; lives in Staten Island or Howard Beach, Queens; gives Italians a bad name although it's okay for Italians to be guidos as long as they dont share the aassholee attitude that most guidos do.
"Nice valour suit, you look like a guido"
by DiZzY DeViL dUcKy January 10, 2004
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A woman who constantly switches her boyfriends to see which ethnicities she likes the best; a woman who loves getting married so much she does it over and over again with different men; a woman who is famous for her ass and not her singing or acting
"Yo son that bytch can't sing but she got a phatty like JLo"..."Damn homie that hoez had more men than JLo.. o wait she almost does"..."Holup, that hoes been with a black guy, spanish guy, mexican, white, hindu, arabian...damn she a JLo"
by DiZzY DeViL dUcKy January 10, 2004
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