11 definitions by Di

The act of refreshing dooce.com umpteen times in the course of a day, week or month to see if there is fresh content.
I had nothing to do at work this afternoon, so I spent most of that time doocing.
by Di October 15, 2004
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truck group full of clapped out shit boxes and their rollers look like a 2 year old made them
by Di April 26, 2019
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Eric Snow dished off a pass to Allen Iverson for the layup.
by Di August 15, 2003
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"oh man, taking thoes 4 shots of bacardi 151 after finishing off a 26er of appletons was a bad idea.. i've got BV!
by Di December 31, 2005
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the girl with all the talent and all the attitude and brains to go with it
by Di March 22, 2004
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