12 definitions by Derik

The Law which involves the 10 Point Scale. It simply states that the number which you would be blow into a breathalyzer (say, 0.08) during a night of drinking will directly influence the numerical value you can add to a woman's score.

For example, if she was a 7.0 on your scale, and you blew a 0.10, you can add 1.0 point to the scale , and she will become a 8.0, without a dispute by other friends.
"Dude who the fuck did you go home with last night?"

"I don't know man, I woke up sober next to a 4.5 and almost lost it."

"Fuckin' Selma's Law!!"

by Derik August 31, 2005
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n. Physiologically similar to hemoglobin, emoglobin is characteristically considered to be caused by a base-pair mutation in the genotypes of "highly emotional" teens. This mutation generally expresses itself in teen and pre-teen years, which will cause the affected to wear primarily black, dye their hair, and cut themselves.

Instead of carrying Oxygen from pulmonary circulation and delivering it to needed tissues throughout the body, emoglobin carries feelings of sorrow, loneliness and angst.
Rachel ended up in the hospital last night because her emoglobin got the best of her and she spilled too much out of her wrists.
by Derik October 29, 2006
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Also commonly known as the Infield Fly, the Janitor's Nightmare consists of taking a shit in a urinal. Although complicated, the logistics are somewhat reasonable when rationed with.

It helps to accomplish the J.N. with a lookout, to keep an eye out for other possible rest-roomers as well as said janitor.
kid1: "Hey man, you got 20 minutes? I need a favor."

kid2: "Depends... what?"

kid1: "Janitor's Nightmare, 3rd floor?"

kid2: "Done."
by Derik September 21, 2005
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The Bacardi Chills come from drinking Bacardi rum (flavored or Superior/Gold/etc) too fast. Usually only for an instant, they occur once in awhile. Those whom acquire chronic Bacardi Chills need to change their panties drink some beer instead.
"Yo man you cold or something?"

"Nah dude Bacardi Chills."

by Derik September 16, 2005
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Fuzzy is the feeling after a night of drinking the next morning. It can best be described as knowing you're not hung over, but still not feeling quite 100%.

Extra long showers usually help somewhat, but nothing but time will cure your uneasiness.

If you think of a "buzz" as a pre-drunk state, being fuzzy is the post-drunk state. The outlying cause is the alcohol still being worked out of your system long after you've awaken, one molecule at a time.
*in class the next morning*

kid1: "Dude I'm mad fuzzy."

kid2: "Me too."
by Derik September 20, 2005
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An expression used to show a sense of certain dread in the morning after a night of drinking/partying. The "6" refers to an adequate score the 10-point scale for judging female attractiveness.

A 6.0 is respectable. In all honesty, you're hoping for higher, but a 6.0 you can bring back to the dorm without losing respect.

Nonreligious incantations include "Hopin' for a 6."
"Yo dude, get any girls or numbers tonight at the club?"

"Yeah man, but only one. Prayin' for a 6!!"
by Derik August 30, 2005
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Mid-to-upper class socioeconomic culture slang. -aish can be inserted into any word ending in -ation, (ie presentation) to quickly convert it into slang. Usually, once it is used, the next response will also contain an -aish word, and so on.

Originated in Chicopee, Massachusetts.
Kid 1- "Hey did you go to the library to work on your presentaish?"
Kid 2- "Nah, just a little study-room masturbaish."
Kid 1-"Nice man. I gotta go to my Biochem recitaish. And wash your hands, btw."
by Derik September 13, 2005
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