25 definitions by Densest

When you drink lots of beer or wine and shit and you decide to sleep.
You wont remember when or how you slept, but you will definetly vomit somewhere that isnt the bathroom.
Hangovers are what seperate me from the trippy feeling of being drunk.
If they didnt happen i would gladly just drink all day till im drunk and everything goes trippy.
by Densest March 18, 2017
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A whore who once tried to work as a striper and got fired because she is an ugly thot
"hey gois im a gaymer gurl am i not a special fcking snowflakeeeeeeee"

rawr xd gamer girl

(shut the fuck up)
by Densest June 8, 2017
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Something you cant express about anything that is known
"I think the titanic is a shitty movie"

opinions everybody
by Densest April 27, 2017
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The letter most commonly written in a valve game chat whenever someone panics and has to press the Enter key.
randomnigg: Get off my fucking server before i take out the whip
MichaelJordan left the server (banned for "being blek")
by Densest November 24, 2017
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An idiot who couldnt finish college so they became a state teacher.
They hate you, and theybonly give you 10 hours of homework.
And if you wanted march to be a happy month than FUCK YOU, READ THE WHOLE BOOK WHEN WE ONLY ASK 2 QUESTIONS.
you dont use teacher in a sentence, use cunt instead
by Densest March 1, 2017
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A great free rythm game based off another rythm game no one cares about.
You can play community made beatmaps, if yiu dont know what they are its a map with ANY song.
The community is fucking garbage though, with 3 types of players
1) the guy who tries to reach the highest rank ever, usually has 100+ beatmaps in his pc. Usually fine.
2) the beatmap creator, they are either making those awful slow and boring bestmaps with no background or they are so obsesed that they make mind blowing stuff. These guys are nice...unless they are the last type of person aswell
3) weebs who joined because the game has anime like characters. These giys are the people who ruin the game, especially the chat. You see these guys playing fnaf beatmaps or one of their shitty sword art online covers. Their dictionary is of course filled with poorly pronounced japanese words...

Yeah its a good game
Player 1: hey bro look at my stats, almost to the top
Beatmaper: cool, hey play this map i made.
Beatmaper: please fuck off

The beatmapper gets muted, cause the mute system for the chat is garbage.

Player 1: you are the reason osu is called the weeb game you miserable twat
by Densest March 1, 2017
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The inevitable cycle of the sonic the hedgehog fanbase, where a game will be once considered amazing or terrible, but then the opinion gets a complete reversal by being too "overrated" or "an underrated classic".
A few examples of the Sonic Cycle:

Sonic Unleashed came out and was panned badly, nowadays its considered one if not T H E best sonic game by a large part of the fanbase.

Sonic Adventure 2 came out and got very great scores, and some even considered it a masterpiece, but people considered it overrated for such a long time that its considered a terrible game...

The next victim of the sonic cycle might be sonic forces, the newest sonic game, which was panned by polygon a.k.a. Diet IGN.
by Densest November 24, 2017
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