18 definitions by Davidch999

She/he has a "headache" so I spent the night twitterlating under the covers. Please retweet.
by Davidch999 February 26, 2013
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The act of celebrating Christmas whilst in denial of Christmas.
“We don't celebrate Christmas. But we do have a big get together, gobble turkey, guzzle wine, hear the Queen's speech, exchange gifts, and watch reruns.”
You're in denoël, dude.
by Davidch999 December 27, 2013
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When someone forcibly adds you to a Facebook group without asking.
Can someone please explain what this group is about/for as I seem to have been added without being asked

“You've been groupnapped, Sue.”
by Davidch999 July 29, 2013
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The excitement you feel after running 8 miles and sink your teeth into a so-called "well deserved" shawarma.
Looking forward to a well-deserved takeaway after my 8 mile run.

“You're in Borehamwood, bro!”
by Davidch999 June 6, 2013
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The throw-away gobbledegook written by companies about themselves on their About Us page.
About Tush
Founded in 1066, we're one of the world's leading sellers of... blah... blah...
by Davidch999 May 29, 2013
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When you accidentally hit "add to cart" more than once. Then go ahead and buy two instead of one!
I only realised I'd bought 2 in a buy accident after I'd paypal'd.

Ebay ad: selling surplus after buy accident purchase.
by Davidch999 September 14, 2012
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When you absolutely have to move your body because the disco is too good!
"Oh brother! Can't stoppa JIGGLE.IN! This disco is too good!"
by Davidch999 June 12, 2013
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