15 definitions by DaveZeroZero

A noun derived from a mis-spelling of the word country and its containing of the word cunt.

It is used to describe a country which is seen by the rest of the world as somewhat of a douche for some reason or another, whether it being its political stance, scaremongering, illegal wars, human rights infringements or anything else seen as objectionable by the person describing the country.

It is advisable to not use this definition in polite company.
Under the Bush administration, the USA has become the biggest cuntry this world has ever seen.

Of course, they'll soon be overtaken by China due to its high profile human rights breaches, not to mention the number of coal-powered power stations being opened and polluting the atmosphere.
by DaveZeroZero March 26, 2008
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A girl or woman who regularly goes out seeking anonymous sex not because they enjoy it, but because they feel that it will increase their self-esteem. However, it often has the opposite effect, though these poor, misguided girls often continue in the hope that they achieve the desired effect.
She went through the London bars each week looking for anonymous sex with any guy that would have her just to feel better about herself. She's a self-esteem whore.
by DaveZeroZero February 7, 2009
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The act of killing a joke, whether it be one that happened on the spot or a running one.

A person who is entirely funny and makes a habit of committing comedicide can be considered a comedicidal maniac.
Dude, you totally killed that joke - or should i say that you've just committed comedicide!
by DaveZeroZero March 14, 2008
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An area, building or object filled with attractive people, or people who you would - i.e. have sex with.

It is derived from this area or object (such as a car) being filled with "would", sounding like "wood", therefore the connection to forest becomes apparent.
Man, that party last night was a forest! There were so many hot girls!
by DaveZeroZero April 5, 2008
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1. to completely and utterly screw up.

2. to enter into a conversation and immediately kill it with some remark, most often used in reference to jokes.
Dude 1: that wasnt funny, was it?

Dude 2: nope. DUDE! you totally just WORMLEYED!
by DaveZeroZero April 28, 2007
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Being a scene kid but not being totally serious about it - generally having a laugh and finding other supposedly sceneXcore kids who take themselves far too seriously highly comical.
He's so scene - yet so funny and aloof - that kid's so jokeXcore
by DaveZeroZero May 23, 2007
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the generic hardcore music being secreted by band after band being signed onto the record label Victory Records.
hey man, did you hear that new song on the radio?

dude, that's so VictoryCore.
by DaveZeroZero May 18, 2007
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