17 definitions by Dancerooster

When a married woman gets pregnant by someone other than her husband. A married woman that is having a cuck-baby is said to be cuckpregnant. Pregnant outside of marriage.
I got my married girlfriend cuckpregnant by having unprotected sex. My wife went on a trip and came home cuckpregnant. A married woman that swings who is pregnant by her bull.
by Dancerooster July 5, 2023
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The recto-vaginal pouch, also known by various other names (e.g., pouch of Douglas, vaginal cul-de-sac, deep pussy), is the extension of the peritoneal cavity between the rectum and the posterior wall of the uterus in the female human body. Often formed by oversized objects such as the penis pushing past the cervix and stretching out the lowest point in the female abdomen.
I knew she had had many loves when I reached her recto-vaginal pouch and could not touch bottom.
by Dancerooster July 29, 2021
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The theory that the sperm from two or more males will compete with each other inside a females reproductive tract to fertilize her egg.
Sperm competition should insure that only the most virile of males father offspring.
by Dancerooster August 26, 2020
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When you have to take a commercial flight to get somewhere. An industry term used by airline employees to describe their transportation arrangements. When you take a flight with a payed ticket instead of nonreving or jump seating .
I’m commercialing out in the morning to start my trip. Did you deadhead in? No I commercialed in.
by Dancerooster April 18, 2023
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When your wife has many more lovers than you were lead to believe. The taking of lovers the number of which is like cockroaches, for every one you see there are many more that you don’t. A married woman that is sexually active with an excessive number of lovers. A sexual act that is considered unsavory or nasty.
I knew that my wife had been wife roaching when several of her lovers showed up at out house.
by Dancerooster October 12, 2021
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An enlarged area of the belly that some women have above their pubic mound, often referred to as F.U.P.A. fat upper pussy area, that appears to be a storage area for sperm. When a pregnant women's belly first starts to show she is said to have a sperm pooch. A woman that often has the sperm of more than one man inside of her at a time.
I fucked her so much she developed a sperm pooch. Her jeans don’t fit now because of her new sperm pooch. I like adding to a woman’s sperm pooch. I saw your woman out the other night, adding to her sperm pooch.
by Dancerooster August 26, 2020
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The extended area inside a woman’s vagina where larger penis’ have stretched out an area around the cervix. The void area deep inside a woman’s vagina, where the bottom has become difficult to reach.
My large cock found a home in her female cul-de-sac. I knew my wife had taken a lover when she had suddenly developed a female cul-de-sac. I can’t hit bottom in women with large female cul-de-sac.
by Dancerooster December 29, 2021
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