35 definitions by Da Milkman

A forum that is a clear wannabe 4chan. It was started by some asshole named Garry Newman, otherwise known as the fuckhole who invented Garry's Mod. He bitches about bandwidth, and has yet to fix most of the issues that are already present in Garry's Mod, instead he keeps adding new buggy shit. The moderators on this forum are complete retards who will ban you over the simplest things such as their own unwanted opinions on things. Nobody has joined up without being banned at least once. It's the only place where:

-You can get banned for posting the word "the".

-You can get banned for having a decent conversation without having the word "fuck" in every post.

-You can get banned for breathing.

-You can get banned for thinking about something.

-Moderators get hired not based on skill or appropriateness, but rather on them giving other mods / admins blowjobs and showing their asses / breasts.
Facepunch Member: The texture looks nice.

Facepunch Mod: Banned. Reason: Using the word "the" without first sucking our tiny cocks.
by Da Milkman October 21, 2009
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A good gaming console, equal if not better than the Xbox 360 (let the thumbs down ratings flow), and features:

1. BluRay.

2. Free internet.

3. Wireless support right out of the box.

4. Playstation Store.

5. High Defenition gaming (complete with HDMI ports).

6. Memory card readers (SD and MicroSD).

7. Ability to use external hard drives to store data.

8. Faster internet browser than the PSP.

9.Blue Tooth support.

10. High quality graphics support.
The Playstation 3 is awesome...if you can afford it. =/
by Da Milkman July 10, 2009
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A man who did not REALLY have tourettes, instead he acted like it for a while, then faked his death to stop having to bring shame on him and his family.

He's known to be funny, and spout random things, though it's all a big act.

It's another fad that people liked, then it got overboard.
The Tourettes Guy is alive and well.
by Da Milkman July 5, 2009
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It's simply the technical name (strand) of the Swine Flu. Instead of calling it the Swine Flu, the idiots at the CDC (Center for Disease Control) had to name it something to make it sound more extreme.

Basically H1N1 (Swine Flu) is just like the ordinary flu, only lacks a vaccination. TamiFlu works fine on it.
CDC People: The Swine Flu will no be called...*booming voice* H1N1! This is because we think half of the world studies viral strands.

Me: Why?
by Da Milkman May 25, 2009
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Though it only owns about 20% of the global browser market share, it's quite possibly the best browser available. Unlike Internet Explorer, it's secure. Unlike Firefox, it's fast. Unlike Safari, it actually works. It meets W3C Web Standards, and got a higher score than any other browser on the Acid 3 test.
Opera is the browser of choice, by Jesus Christ himself.
by Da Milkman June 3, 2009
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The latest game released by DICE on July 8th, and 9th of 2009. It is essentially a lower level but nicer graphics version of Battlefield 1942. On the day of the release the forums were flooded with people complaining about various issues. One member even threatened to file a class action lawsuit against DICE for "misleading" people to somehow enter their credit card information, download the game, install it, and start play it. Pretty odd.

The game itself is quite fun, but rather glitchy in the earliest form. In time the game is speculated to have various bug fixes, and perhaps even more maps.

Many console wars broke out over the "Coral Sea Challenge" which is essentially if the community of Xbox and Playstation 3 users get 43 million kills in total, the 100% dogfight map Coral Sea will be unlocked. A counter was added to the home page, and Xbox users started to boast about how they were winning, causing Playstation 3 users to retaliate and cause a console war.
Battlefield 1943 is a good game, just needs a bit of work. You can't beat the $15 price either.
by Da Milkman July 13, 2009
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The most kick-ass first person shooter made in history. Want to get inside a building, but that wall is blocking? Simple, blow it up! This game is awesome, as everything in the environment is DESTROYABLE. You can blow up houses, blow holes in walls, not to mention it has a fairly entertaining single player mode. It's main awesomeness is featured online, where you can keep ranks, and even take screenshots and they will auto-upload to EA's servers for FREE. It uses the new Frostbite engine, allowing people to mess with the environment, such as also blowing craters into the ground, giving your teammates cover. It features the old conquest mode, as well as the new and popular Gold Rush mode, in which you must either defend or attack gold crates. Now you do not have to worry about idiots hiding all the time, as you can blow away their cover, leaving them for dead.
Person 1: Hey, I'm going to play Call of Duty 4, you in?

Person 2: Why? So some idiot can hide behind a wall all day? No thank you.

Person 1: What are you talking about? All games are like that!

Person 2: Not Battlefield Bad company, you can blow apart walls with awesome weapons!

Person 1: Be right back. *goes and shoots Call of Duty 4*

Person 2: Going to go get Battlefield Bad Company now?

Person 1: Hell yea!
by Da Milkman December 22, 2008
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