35 definitions by Da Milkman

A store that sells average items made by cheap labor. Everyone seems to forget even those "small family stores" buy things that were made in laborious countries too.

Wal-Mart often takes the blame for "closing" smaller stores. While this may be somewhat true, if the smaller stores would have expanded, they would have had a shot to survive.

Wal-Mart takes everything you must normally go to multiple stores for, and combine it into one. Many people moan about it sucking / being for poor rednecks, but the fact is everyone goes there at least once in their life to pick up something they need. There is nothing really wrong with the store. The store does sell cheap clothing, but who cares? That store Steve & Barry's (went under by the way), had cheap clothes yet people thought it was the greatest thing.
Wal-Mart combines everything into one. Filled with normal people who complain for no real reason, as if they care about those "small stores" anyway.
by Da Milkman July 26, 2009
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An overused statement generally said by complainers going through a midlife crisis when something undesirable happens.
I just stubbed my toe. Story of my life.

I just got dumped. Story of my life.

I just realized I overuse the phrase "story of my life". Story of my life.
by Da Milkman July 1, 2009
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A song that originated by Buckwheat Boyz.

It's first major hype came from a crappy animation someone made of a dancing banana (which is totally irrelevant to peanut butter and jelly, unless you put banana's on your peanut butter and jelly).

It became so popular Family Guy had Brian come in with a banana suit on singing the song to Peter, which also became really popular.

The song became such a hype that even local Pittsburgh radio stations and surrounding radio stations even started playing it every 15 minutes.

Now it's an overused song and animation that is seldom seen, unless you find one person on a board or site that has the stupid animation as an avatar.

Seriously people, this song is no longer funny, stop playing it, it was about 5 years ago, it's time to move on.
Noob: It's peanut butter jelly time! (Posts dancing banana animation.)

Me: NO! It's NOT peanut butter jelly time. The early 2000's called, they want their crappy song back.
by Da Milkman June 25, 2009
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The "Ban Button" is a hypothetical button (though some network administrators and moderators actually have a key assigned to said feature), that more than often refers to banning someone from something for some particular reason.

The "Ban Button" can refer to a number of things, whether it be a button on a forum or game that bans, or a key that bans.

The origins are not entirely sure of.
Person 1: I'm trolling you!

Admin: *Presses the "Ban Button".*

Person 1: Aww! I'm so angry now I'm going to threaten to take down this site with my bare hands yet I will not do anything because deep down inside I'm scared!
by Da Milkman April 24, 2009
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Literally means "live your life", but it's also a Coldplay song. Basically, it's another song that was fairly good when it came out, then people abused it over and over, such as the local radio playing it every hour, and now it's one of those ones that is annoying and makes you want to contemplate suicide.
Our radio station plays Viva La Vida every hour.
by Da Milkman June 29, 2009
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Valve Anti-Cheat. Basically, it's a program that is like a virus scanner only for hacks, if they detect hacks on server joins and whatnot, you will be banned within a few days, hours, or weeks.

Players who have been banned always claim they didn't cheat, or their brother or friend put the hacks on, basically trying to get it out. There have only been less than 10 people actually unbanned from VAC before. Anyone who is banned will only be banned from VAC secure servers, but can still play on unsecured ones. Every game that uses VAC will be inaccessible (you won't be able to play on VAC secure servers).

It's often criticized as a way to make money from Valve to get a new account and games. Accounts that have been banned payed up to thousands on games before, but over 1 hack they loose all.

Many times VAC isn't updated to the most recent hacks, private hacks still exist, and are harder to detect.

VAC has certainly busted many cheaters, but some still get by.
Noob: OMG! Me is VAC banned! WTF! vavle u just want my monies! I didtn hack!

Me: God shut up. We all know you hacked, headshots 24/7 isn't easy, but you managed to do it. Go away.
by Da Milkman June 26, 2009
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