1 definition by DP's thoughts

An unathletic, freeloading valueless student at the University of Chicago, distinguished by their pretentiousness, self-entitlement, and general air of douchebaggery.

A slightly migratory species, jackals inhabit the library during finals week, the dining hall during feeding times, and hibernate in their dorms in between. Unlike their territorial namesake, jackals are completely oblivious of others. They create large messes and romp about at all hours of the night, showing utter disregard towards athletes and people with worthwhile goals.
"I fucking hate the Reg during finals week, it's completely overrun by jackals"

Student 1: "I don't have time to wait in line behind all these lazy hipster non-athlete dbags in bartlett"

Student 2: "Yeah, fucking jackals"

Wyatt: "Has anyone seen Dan today?"
Cooper: "No, didn't you hear? he's doing 25-life for going on that jackal killing spree"
Wyatt: "Damn. Well, can't blame him."
by DP's thoughts December 7, 2010
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