1 definition by CleofisTheofis

A pop-cultural phenomenon that is so disgustingly implanted into american culture, that's it's nearly impossible to escape.
A show with a similar appeal to your local open-mic night @ the cafe, the exception being that one or two people @ the open mic have at least a shred of musical talent, & are freely allowed to express it as musicians.
A show to help boost Intermix Media/Myspace, which Murdoch owns, by capturing the internet culture as well as the television drone nation, to create real competition for MTV,
& eventually corner the market on the net, once it becomes more corporate controlled, & politically restrictive, which it is well on it's way to becoming..

I can't even watch a ballgame without one of these American Idol sucks over-singing, off key, or flat renditions of God Bless America, or the national anthem.
by CleofisTheofis March 6, 2008
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