1 definition by Cirilo-Paul55

The name of a beautiful girl. Who only deserves nothing less than the best. She is wonderful, kind, funny, loving, spectacular, crazy, beautiful, and most of all perfect. She will make you smile everyday even on your saddest of days. She is full of happiness and everyone she becomes in contact with can surely feel it in the air. She will bring you hope even if the sky looks gray. She will shine you the light even if you're lost in the darkness. She will love you forever as long as you love her back with one-hundred percent of your heart. She is the only one you'll ever find who will love you back even when you've done her wrong. If you ever find an Eryn swear to never break her heart because the last guy who did regrets it forever)':
Eryn, The girl worth keeping
by Cirilo-Paul55 January 5, 2014
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