1 definition by ChildSpearer

A Whovian is someone who is obsessed with the British sci-fi television show Doctor Who. They are respected and feared across all fandoms.

While most breeds of Whovians are somewhat friendly and welcoming, there exist certain feral breeds which react aggressively to the slightest change in the show, (which is horrifically ironic, considering the show revolves around the main character changing forms and personality) as well as anyone who claims to be a fan of the show, despite not knowing absolutely everything about its 51 year history, or anyone who addresses the titular character of the show as "Doctor Who" instead of "The Doctor".

Tumblr is often cited as a common habitat for Whovians where they thrive and post gifs and memes of Doctor Who. In the year of 2012, Tumblr Whovians formed an alliance with members of the Sherlock and Supernatural fandom, intending to create "SuperWhoLock", a weapon of mass nerdiness.
John: Do you think Sheldon's a Whovian?
Mary: Let's find out. Hey Sheldon! Bad Wolf, don't blink, I don't wanna go, bowties are cool, fezzes are cool, exterminate, fantastic, allons-y, geronimo, wibbly-wobbly timey wimey, are you my mummy?
John: I think he just fainted.
Mary: Yup, he's a Whovian.
by ChildSpearer July 3, 2015
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