51 definitions by Cat

O my gosh!!! This is the most stupid thing I have come across in a long time. I swear, you watch TV, right? on tv people are actually fucking i think that is more of an influence than some stupid bracelets i wear them and if any guy snaps my bracelets of there would be hell.
by Cat March 3, 2004
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semi-precious stones
You can't afford the ice, so you got mad freezy pops.
by Cat November 26, 2003
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A blueish, reptilian being attracted to others of its gender. Often associated with prostitution, a Boshi may be looked down upon my its peers.
"I wonder how much that Boshi charges per hour..."
"Dude... sick."
by Cat November 27, 2003
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Men who act like sissies.
Yo jamma, 'watcha gonna do 'bout dem girly men?
by Cat August 2, 2004
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