24 definitions by Carpman

Something only availiable to anarchists and dictators.
I am of the opinion that George Bush is a colossal dickhead.
by Carpman May 30, 2003
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A group of spastics. Can also be used for singular spazzies if they are that bad or if you really don't like them.
by Carpman October 6, 2003
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The greatest substance known to man,Worshipped by pagans, exploited by me!
by Carpman May 14, 2003
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A big lumpy creature that had better start running if wordMen Bouncerword
sees it.
How much would you pay to see Men Bouncer fuck a camel?
by Carpman June 9, 2003
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Somebody who is basically a bucket of sod.
Craig is a big fat sodbucket
by Carpman September 19, 2003
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Mole2please's Admins were so gay that it's ezboard community spammed it to death.
by Carpman September 29, 2003
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