45 definitions by CTU_FieldAgent200

Butt-fuck county is a fictional area (or at least I hope and pray it is) in the middle of no where. May be used to describe a very rural and very sketchy area. Butt-fuck county generally lacks things like cell phone reception (to call the non-existant butt-fuck county sheriff), law enforcement (when your getting chased by a meth head farmer boy with a shotgun), and normal human beings. What it does have however are plenty of horse headed gal's, corn fields, trucks, farm animals, toothless "good ol' boys" and if you stop and roll the windows down (you probably shouldn't ever stop) you can often hear banjo's playing, if the sound of banjo's starts to converge from multiple directions you should promptly turn the hell around.
I was driving through West Virginia thinking it would get me to New York faster and my buddy told me to roll down the windows in when we were in the middle of Butt-fuck county, suddenly the sound of banjos got closer until we looked around and were surrounding by banjo players and angry farmers. We promptly turned the hell around.
by CTU_FieldAgent200 June 24, 2014
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A Velociraptor is an angry buyer of drugs usually with no money and with the intent of trying to rob the dealer. Common with crack heads who will never sleep and call you at 4:20am in the morning expecting you to meet them, if you do you will most likely get shanked by them and there crazy tweaking girl friend, same goes for meth. As for heroin, if one of your buyers is dope sick and has no money don't fuck with them they are physically ill and will kill you unless you have your shit down. Avoid Velociraptor's when trappin' especially if your big game.
Velociraptor: yo yo i need some crack or speed or molly whatever you got I NEED DAT SHIT NOW WRAR RAR!!!!
Dealer: Yo step off ill spill your blood and lay your tweakin' ass out if you dont leave *caps Velociraptor*

Dealer: Fucking velociraptor trying to eat me for the cocaine.
by CTU_FieldAgent200 December 25, 2010
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A very fine automobile. Very sporty indeed, BMW pioneered the sports sedan with this (along with the M3). Regardless how how much horse power some American POS has bet your fine ass that a bimmer can match it's speed with 100less hp. What BMW puts into this car is pure magic that while maybe isn't better for some this magic is just on a whole different level than Mercedes Benz, Audi, Lexus, etc. This magic alone is why a $60k (M3) car can light up someones face more than a $200k car. Don't talk shit about this car being a "poor mans BMW" because I doubt you have 45k to spend on a fully loaded 3 series sedan let alone the coupe with all wheel drive or the IS model or even the M3.
Person1: I just got a new BMW 3 series, I LOVE it!
Persom2: zomg my Benz is so cooler
Person1: right...now I see what Mercedes Benz has been degraded to in the US.
by CTU_FieldAgent200 August 29, 2010
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When after sitting on something for a long time while working up a sweat or working up a sweat in general your ass sweats to a rediculous amount to the point where your underwear/boxers stick to your ass. Often accompanied by a funny walk.
After playing handball in gym nate had very bad swamp ass.
Logan: nate why are your pants still down hurry up we can't be late to class
Anthony: I recon he has dat dar swamp ass
Nate: airing my ass out, feels good man
Logan: yup I got it too. Sucks
by CTU_FieldAgent200 December 8, 2009
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The thing you do or want to do with that cute friend your sister has over allot that's a year younger than you, or maybe it's the freshman that sits across from you on the bus and you feel her eyes on your ass or maybe she's your bosses new secretary...you know who I'm talking about... the tan one with the nice ass that sits there and plays with her hair in a seductive manner and looks at you 1/2 second longer than anyone else, quiet, mysterious, and seductive probably thinking of some dirty things. When no ones around you draw blanks on what to say and you play the "let's not get caught looking at each other" game. You both want to have ridiculously rough sex in a very kinky way but don't for some obvious reasons.
Dean: who do you like Tim?
Tim: idk but there's this girl in my study hall that I want to Hook up with. I can feel her seductive eyes on me.
Dean: your weird sometimes man....
Tim: nah she wants my cock brah
by CTU_FieldAgent200 November 1, 2010
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No its not someone with a fetish to cinema because then any time you watched porn (yes that can be considered cinema) you would be categorized into this.

A Cinemaphile is someone who appreciates the art of EVERY single aspect of cinematography and most notably the viewing experience.

Cinemaphiles will laugh at your 32" TV playing DVD's in Dolby Pro Logic II Surround.

Cinemaphiles will glare at you when you start texting in the middle of a movies finest display of an art, and a multimillion dollar art at that.

Cinemaphile's will ALWAYS spend much much more than the average consumer or even prosumer on high end equipment to furnish their "living rooms" which usually end up as close to a movie theater as permitted by their blind, deaf, and ignorant wives who don't understand the difference between TV size.

Cinemaphile's usually, actually almost always, own at least one or two HD camera's...if they don't they probably own a full size Panavision Super 35 camera somewhere...Of course they have the computer to handle this all if not more than one.

A true Cinemaphile will be able to tell the difference between 720p and 1080p and at times rant on about how 1080p should really be called 1920 and 720p should be called 1280 because everyone knows horizontal resolution is where its at.
Sony, Onkyo, Mcintosh, Harman Kardon, Yamaha, Boston Acoustics, Sennheiser, etc. for your audio fix...

RED, Sony, Canon, Panavision, Mitsubishi, Sharp, Arri, etc. for your film/video capture needs and display...

There are literally thousands of things I haven't covered but if you haven't heard of half those terms and brands your not a cinemaphile.

8 Channel DTS/Dolby Digital TrueHD decoder with 5 HDMI inputs and 4k upscaling hooked to a 12 core Mac Pro watching Book of Eli in raw 5k RED code on a 2k projector? Not impressed and it looks a little fuzzy I can tell you really killed the RED code with the 2k projector.. - Cinemaphile
by CTU_FieldAgent200 November 11, 2011
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