4 definitions by CLL

n. The act of boasting about something under the guise of complaining.
v. To boast under the guise of complaining.

The one the started it all, "It's so hard to find good help these days."
In a shameless bitch-to-brag, my tool of a boss told the whole break-room he got hit with the Alternative Minimum Tax this year because of his year-end bonus.
by CLL May 20, 2008
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n. The act of boasting about something under the guise of complaining.
v. To boast under the guise of complaining.

The one the started it all, "It's so hard to find good help these days."
In a shameless bitch-to-brag, my tool of a boss told the whole break-room he got hit with the Alternative Minimum Tax this year because of his year-end bonus.
by CLL May 21, 2008
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Verb. or Noun. To appear to complain while actually boasting. Usually used as a conversation-starter in a small group. It allows the user to bring up something about themself, such as wealth, status, etc under the guise of ellicting pitying. The first known use was "It's so hard to find good help these days." More modern usages would be, "I can never find Seven jeans in size 00 at the local mall, so I have to drive all the way out to the city."or "I am just so angry at my husband; he went and bought a new Mercedes for me without asking what color I wanted!"
If I hear one more bitch-to-brag about how the quality of Prada shoes has slipped recently, I'll puke.

The only time my boss mentions his son is when he's bitchin'-to-brag about the tuition he pays to send him to Harvard.
by CLL April 21, 2007
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noun, Psychoanalysis.

1. a pronounced striving to neutralize and conceal the effect of extreme climate on one's person by substituting for it with opposite behaviors.

Examples include wearing shorts in the middle of winter in Minnesota or drinking hot cocoa on a 60 degree day in Florida. This can also include remarks such as, "40 below really isn't that cold in Fargo" or "100 degrees is quite comfortable; we don't have the humidity here in Tucson."
Mark's severe Climate Overcompensation Syndrome led him to shopping for a parka after he felt unprepared for the 50 degree morning in we had last week here in Miami.
by CLL January 12, 2016
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