3 definitions by CKabuser'

The number one cheat provided by Eso V2

Hits more P than any other cheat
It has a total of 4 users including the coder.
It has been around for 3-4 years so it it officially the best private cheat.
nn: holy shit are you using Comp Killer?
big namer: hdf
nn: pls inv men
big namer: uid issue nn hhhhhh
by CKabuser' December 15, 2020
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The most commonly used excuse for having a shit animfix/prediction.

rarely it covers up resolver misses but mostly csgo just sucks dick.
why are you dumping?

mIsSeD sHoT dUe To SpReAd
by CKabuser' December 15, 2020
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The apostrophy is important in creating names
CKabsuer' and hurensohn abuser' are top 10 on RaNNtei$ for a reason.
by CKabuser' December 15, 2020
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