7 definitions by C7

Seven's Law (also refered to Seven's Law of MMOs) is an adaption of Godwin's Law pertaining to the likelihood of a comparison to World of Warcraft in any discussion of a Massive Multiplayer Role Playing Game (MMORPG) the rule is as follows:

As any discussion pertaining to any MMORPG grows longer, the probability of a comparison to World or Warcraft reaches one.

Seven's Law of MMOs (also refered to Seven's Law) is a modification of Godwin's Law pertaining to the likelihood of a comparison to World of Warcraft in any discussion of a Massive Multiplayer Role Playing Game (MMORPG) the rule is as follows:

As any discussion pertaining to any MMORPG grows longer, the probability of a comparison to World or Warcraft reaches one.

In some games and gaming forums when this law is invoked much like Godwin's law the person who made the comparison automatically loses the conversation and is shunned (The Tabula Rasa Beta is a big example there is an unwritten law that WoW must never be spoken of) the main exception to this rule is known as the "WoW exception" which states that A person cannot logically lose a conversation due to Seven's Law in a World of Warcraft forum, fansite chatroom, in game chat etc.
Gamer 1: So I like the way the teleport system works in Tabula Rasa.

Gamer 2: Yes its much more efficient than the flight points in WoW.

Gamer 1: Wow Seven's Law hit us quick today.

Gamer 2: You're right.
by C7 August 6, 2007
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originated in putney, sydney, australia. is used when someone displays behavior or acts in a stupid mannor
haha what an onkey lar
by C7 April 13, 2005
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A slang term for Dunkin Donuts usually concidered a negative term and used as such however, it is at times used in a neutral maner.
The idiot in fuckin blownuts forgot to give me a straw for my coffee.

I am goin to fuckin blownuts on my break you want anything?
by C7 October 19, 2006
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an utterly useless and sorry person with the IQ of a mentally chalenged osterich.
Origin- This word was first used with this definition appx. 8 years ago when a person fitting the above description constantly wore a set of "expensive" cowboy boots to school. The term has become semi-popular and has been adopted by the local fire department as well as many other people in western Mass.
You boots, you just spent $2000.00 on eBay to reserve a place in Heaven?
by C7 November 26, 2004
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1) A burp where a small amount of vomit comes up a persons throat. (a mixture of the words spew and burp)

2) A burp where a small amount of ejaculate comes up a persons throat. (a mixture of the words sperm and burp)
1) After seeing the Rosie Odonnell sex tape Jack let out a spurp.
2) Jane spurped after performing oral sex on Jack.
by C7 October 19, 2006
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1) This is the act of mutiple pwnage, so extreme that even a l337 player is slapped down to noob status and will never live it down.
player killed Superleet with knife
superleet "damn you noob camper"
player killed Superleet with knife
superleet "WTF?!?! thats it im gunna show you the DE bitch"
player killed Superleet with knife
superleet "....I...fuck you!"
Player "Nubbed"
superleet has disconnected
by C7 November 26, 2004
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1) A term refering to a jewish puerto rican.
2) a general insult (similar to idiot or douche bag.)
1)Pablo Epstein is a spickyke
2)"Mike lost controll of His car and leveled a telephone pole and stop sign" "HAHA what a spickyke"
by C7 November 26, 2004
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