3 definitions by Browntown154

The feeling you have between 45 minutes and 1 hour after eating kfc where you feel sick from the grease
It is an accepted part of eating kfc that within an hour you will generally experience colonel regret unless you are a seasoned colonel veteran
by Browntown154 December 21, 2014
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A person who loses all their money at the casino but hangs around watching the tables without playing for an extended period after they are out.
After Jesse lost all his money on roulette....
Sam: "Come on Jesse lets go home"
Jesse: "Hold on man I know zero is coming up, I've just gotta see it"
Sam: "dude you don't even have any chips to play"
Jesse: "It's coming man"
Sam: "You're such a casino lingerer
by Browntown154 October 15, 2010
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A transferrable disease relating to compulsive lying about any and all subjects. It is said there are 'carriers' of the liabetic gene spread amongst the general public.
Extensive research continues to cure these 'carriers' but thus far the research, based out of Dunedin and Ashburton, has been unsuccessful
Mark: "Hey bro you coming home for this holiday?"
Jason: "Oh nar man I'm staying down south with my mrs Tiff cos she cant get back to Tauranga"
Mark: "Dude you don't even have a girlfriend, this is just like yesterday when you told me you didn't know what a muscle hampster is.... i think you have liabetes"
Jason: "But I never lie"
Mark: "Right there. You are a carrier of liabetes"
by Browntown154 October 12, 2010
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