2 definitions by Brettc77

A party in which there are 30, 30 cases of beer there, totaling 900 beers. Often there will be 30 "dirty thirties" or beer that is cheap but gets the job done. Examples: Keystone Light, Bush Light, Bush Heavy
Last night was insane! We threw a 900 party at my house. I blacked out to the max. There were dirty thirties everywhere!
by Brettc77 November 9, 2006
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The art of being ridiculously intoxicated and text messaging on your phone,(combination of drunk and texting) very similar to drunk dialing but with text messaging. Often to people you want to contact but are too nervous or dont when your sober
Guy 1: Last night I was dexting off the hook like a mother fucker.
Guy 2: Dude you only do that when your plastered.
by Brettc77 April 12, 2006
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