4 definitions by Bolber Jahid

I pray to the lord and savior Folke everyday

Folke is the sexies person i know.
by Bolber Jahid February 28, 2020
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"Kebobs" is a Danish currency for buying a woman or multiple women. As it stands right now one kebob is equivilant to about 7 dollars.

The term is typically used on the Slotshaven Gymnasium in Denmark, especially when bitches be "lobbing".
Dude 1: "Hvor mange kebobs?"
Dude 2: "Mindst 2 kebobs"
Dude 1: "Meget lob"

Dude 1: "How many kebobs?"
Dude 2: "Atleast 2 kebobs."
Dude 1: "Very lob."
by Bolber Jahid November 15, 2021
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A word purely based on context. Literally idk what it means but it sounds too fucking awesome.
P O R Q U L O * posts Image of a large larva with a face staring that the person in question in the public discord chat*
by Bolber Jahid December 14, 2022
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A term that doesent really mean anything but is completetly based on the context the word is used. The options are endless, but differ in lobness
Examples of using the word in different contexts:

Dude 1: "You are lobbing right now"
Dude 2: "Dude, no lob"

Expressing admiration:
Dude 1: "Brooo, Big lob!"
Dude 2: "Thank you."

When it sucks to suck?
Dude 1: "Dude, no lob..."
Dude 2: "Sucks to suck."
by Bolber Jahid November 15, 2021
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