3 definitions by BlueAndroid

Shortened version of the term "pusswarn", used as an insult amongst friends
Bob: I don't think I'm going to come skip rocks by the beach today, sounds scary
Bill: Why are you always such a swarn Bob!
by BlueAndroid August 12, 2014
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A word used to describe someone who is "safe"
Bob: Yo, I got you the dro'
Bill: How much my don?
Bob: For you, free of charge
Bill: Ah you're so vault Bob
by BlueAndroid August 12, 2014
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Penis, best used with a mock german accent
{woman walks in all sexy}

Bill: Oh mein wilhelm ist so erect!
Bob: Ja i have ze boner
John: What the fuck is wrong with you guys...
by BlueAndroid August 12, 2014
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