5 definitions by BlakeP

To get backstabbed or left with an empty promise
Jason got aaronrodgered when the girl he liked fucked his best friend.
by BlakeP July 25, 2008
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When you take you jizz or semen and freeze it and then eat it like a popsicle.
Jason and Jeff both shared a Man Juice popsicle made by Blake. What fags.
by BlakeP July 15, 2008
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To have anal sex with, created by Bill Clinton from his appearance on Family Guy.
You up for a little Exit Polling?

Are you asking me what I think you're asking me?

Well that depends on what your definition of jizz is.
by BlakeP July 11, 2008
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When you come on your hand, in which there's a cut on your finger thus resulting in a finger baby.
After Jason's fifth ejaculation of the day, he realized he had a good chance of having a finger baby 9 months later.
by BlakeP July 11, 2008
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