1 definition by BiqQuas614

Please publish this definiton because it gives bexley students, as well as anyone interested, information about this important student at the school and what he has done for us. It helps everyone realize why he is a legend and important to Bexley High School. Without his accomplishments, this school might not have existed so it is extremely important to keep this page!

R-Dogg is a junior male that currently attends Bexley High School and is considered as a celebrity. He is a very important individual as well as a legend at Bexley High School. He is known to make funny comments in and out of class, he is also a hero to some at the games "Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare" and "Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2". Any student that is not a freshman knows who he is and what he is capable of. Even teachers know to call him R-Dogg and do so during class. He is an expert nugget-er and helps teach others this process of flipping a backpack inside out along with it's belongings. He is very modest and nonchalant regardless of how famous he gets. Most people would become arrogant when turned into a legend but not R-Dogg, he remains modest and when everyone yells "R-DOOOGGGG" he normally responds "hey" or "what" in a very humble tone. R-Dogg is a very lovable person to all at Bexley High School and no one would know what to do without the extremely laidback R-DOGG!

(More to be added soon, particularly a well-written hip-hop song by lil dom)
"Did you guys hear what R-dogg did??"
"No, Whatd he do this time?"
"He nuggeted himself and blamed it on someone else!!!, and then he nuggeted the teacher and DRANK THE VINEGAR!"
by BiqQuas614 November 19, 2009
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