6 definitions by BigPapi69420

Alright, lemme just sit you the fuck down fellow nine-year-old. PewDiePie is in need of subscribers and if you don't sub you directly support T-Series (T-Gay). Don't be a nigger faggot and sub.
Hey man, I spray painted "Subscribe To PewDiePie" on my grandma's fridge
Good to know you're doing your part, my dude
by BigPapi69420 December 17, 2018
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A new religion that involves the worshiping of PewDiePie. It is prophesied that only high priests within the religion know how to pronounce his real name, Felix Kjellberg.

But with every God must come a devil; namely, T-Series (T-Gay). It is important to go on every single T-Gay video and give it a phat dislike in order to smite this beast.

Rituals include singing songs such as: Bitch Lasagna or Fabulous.
Person 1: Hey whatsup, I'm a muslim, I'm gonna go bomb some people.
Person 2: Oh that's nice, I observe the religion of PewDiePism.
Person 1: Allāhu akbar
*Person 1 bombs Person 2 for being a PewDiePist*
by BigPapi69420 December 18, 2018
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The knee equivalent of the weenus on your elbow.
Friend 1: “Bro, your 🅱️enis is showing.”
Friend 2: “My 🅱️enis? Are you referring to the knee equivalent of the weenus on my elbow?”
Friend 1: “Why yes I am.”
by BigPapi69420 December 15, 2019
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sounds like a sexual orifice... could be one... if you try hard enough...
Hey man I fucked that girl in her *bean hole*
Wow my man, that's some serious retardation
by BigPapi69420 December 17, 2018
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"Vrum to That Crumb" is another variation of the famous tagline "Let's Get This Bread"; bread, in this case, meaning a goal of sorts, usually money (that dollar dollar). Although similar, this variation of "Let's Get This Bread" is slightly different from it's origin; it implies that you must work/grind to get to your goal.
Person 1: You see that chick over there?
Person 2: Yeah man.
Person 1: I wanna plow her.
Person 2: Looks like you gotta vrum to that crumb if you wanna get there.
by BigPapi69420 December 18, 2018
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That motha fukin' money you ho, isn't it obvious? Jesus christ you must be a fukin' tard if you're looking this up.
its that dollar dollar, it literally mean money, jesus christ kys
by BigPapi69420 December 18, 2018
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