5 definitions by BelegMaethor

1.When a kid under the age of 13 views porn for the first time.

2. When the parents answer the "where do babies come from question" as soon as its asked with great detail.

3. When a child walks in on his/her parents going to town on each other
1: "My son received A Good Education last night at Franks house... he said it was the best thing he's ever seen!"

2: Mother- Little Johnny asked the birds and the bees question last night

Friend- He did? What did you tell him?

Mother- We said "screw it" and told him EVERYTHING... my little boy gets A Good Education from us.

3: Father- Melissa and I we're doing the reverse cowgirl and then Bobby walked in on us asking about a new toy car. He might be scared for life now but he got A Good Education
by BelegMaethor February 1, 2016
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When a child under the age of 18 watches porn for the first time.
"Little Billy got a good education last night with his brother"
by BelegMaethor June 4, 2016
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A Martyred Incel is typically an introvert, academic, or, for lack of a better term, nerd who is labeled an Incel by his classmates because of his visible lack of motivation regarding relationships and social interaction.

This is a simple lack of communication between those who are labeling and he who is being labeled. Those who are labeling don't understand he who is being labeled enough to know his intentions, goals, and philosophies. And he who is being labeled doesn't care enough to try and prove himself. The result is a boy who is martyred because of his own ideas on life. Because he doesn't emphasize relationship building and socializing as everyone else does, he is given the label of Incel.

In reality, a Martyred Incel is just trying to get through. He doesn't emphasize relationships and socializing as much as the crowd does. He probably sees women as equals to men, and therefore gives them no special attention. It could even be that he doesn't want to be in a relationship period.
Boy: I met that kid yesterday, he was very polite.

Girl: How? He's a fucking incel, can't you tell, he doesn't talk to anyone.

Boy: Just because he doesn't talk to anyone doesn't mean he's an Incel. Your making him a Martyred Incel.

Girl: Whatever. Any boy who doesn't follow the ideals of the rest of us are incels.
by BelegMaethor July 19, 2019
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A serious mental illness characterized by someone thinking that their opinions are solid fact and are intrinsically true. People with OMS tend to be very closed minded, who can't think for themselves, and often resort to the easiest line of thinking possible so that their tiny little brains can comprehend it.

Unfortunately, OMS is almost untreatable. The syndrome starts developing in childhood from sources such as but not limited to: family, culture, religion, and politics. If the idea of morality being subjective isn't instilled in childhood, then OMS is likely to develop in adolescence and solidify in adulthood. By adulthood, the damage has already been done, and the person can no longer comprehend a world where they aren't right.

You can help stop the spread of OMS by understanding that morality is subjective, and not one culture, political belief, philosophical implication, or idea of the world, is intrinsically correct. A wall being the color red is objectively true, but red being the best color for that wall is subjective. You may also learn how to stop the spread of misinformation, which often caters to people with OMS.

Examples of people likely to be suffering from OMS:
-Religious people
-Old people
-Political radicals
-People who lack higher level education
-The majority of American Republicans
Person with OMS: "Pornstars are whores, they should be ashamed of themselves for doing what they do!"

A rational person: "Whoa, dude, calm down. I know you suffer from objective morality syndrome, but you have to realize that your idea of the human body isn't THE idea of the human body. People have sex, everyone wants to have sex, why are you so deadset against them?"
by BelegMaethor May 4, 2020
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The act of fast, motorized and mechanized warfare utilizing the automatic wheel-chairs that Cripples who can't walk for life use.

They should be equipped with time bombs or remotely detonatable explosives, as their hands don't work that well to be able to hold a gun.
"If I invaded Poland, I'd use the Spedskrieg. It's ten times more effective than tanks.
by BelegMaethor June 11, 2017
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