2 definitions by Beezoar

A girl who is initially nice to you but when you go somewhere without them, say no, disagree, don't respond on time or say your taken, they'll flip out and insult you and be the opposite of a "nice girl". These kind of women can be found on the r/nicegirls subbredit
Her: Hey want to hang out <3
Him: Sorry I've already got plans, how about tomorrow?
Her: Lol you fucking what? WTF why wouldn't you come out with me? I'm a nice girl! are you trying for some slut bag?! You fucking asshole, I cant believe you!
Her: I'm out of your league anyways boy, have fun with slut girls <3
Him: Wow another r/nicegirl
by Beezoar February 17, 2018
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When something once known as something made by or popular with women is suddenly taken over by men and essentially becomes something that women can't be interested in/partake in anymore. Then said thing will be vigorously protected by gatekeepers who will try and keep women out of it and will shun women still in the community. This can work in reverse with women also, which can be called Womanification.
Woman 1: Remember when Star Trek was something you and I would talk about in our living rooms over tea before all of this convention stuff came around?

Woman 2: I remember that quite clearly, now I can't even mention I like the show around other fans. Otherwise they'll bombard me with questions like "Who was the very first captions' mother's name????" rudely and expect me not to answer, and when I do they just insult me and call me a 'fake fan' anyways!

Woman 1: Damn, the Mentrification of Star Trek really hit hard huh?
by Beezoar May 21, 2019
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