20 definitions by Beelzebubba

when someone is sticking their tongue far up your ass as possible
Stephen had his tongue so far up my ass, he must have been reaching for corn.
by Beelzebubba June 16, 2016
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Bladeless turbine used for creating power via wind.
I ain't had to pay an electric bill since I put that skybrator in my yard.
by Beelzebubba March 16, 2021
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Erection that is the result of close contact with a male friend
If my girlfriend figures out that I have a Broner, I am fucked.
by Beelzebubba June 10, 2016
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when you nearly mangle your penis trying to use a vacuum suction tool to pleasure yourself
Can you believe that the reason Stephen went tranny was because he was hurt by the hoover when he was in high school?
by Beelzebubba June 16, 2016
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the pursuit of the elderly to satisfy your sexual needs
Jim spends at least one day a week volunteering at the local senior center and to get a little antiquing in.
by Beelzebubba September 9, 2016
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one of those guys you see wearing a decorative sweater who just looks like he sucks cock
This asshole has a face made for cock.
by Beelzebubba April 8, 2015
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I have just seen my first mekake video.
by Beelzebubba April 7, 2015
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