6 definitions by BeachSaint

Someone who supports the mandates of their commander, American radio host and conservative political commentator Rush Limbaugh, a well known member of the radical right wing.
That guy who just took a Hillary Clinton ballot is a Rushie. Registered Republicans are rushing to the polls today like lemmings.
by BeachSaint May 19, 2008
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With the price of gas soaring, a staycation is what most Americans will experience during the summer of 2008.
by BeachSaint May 24, 2008
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Distinctive features that make the iPhone unique from any other cell phone on the market today.
Apple's iPhonemes place the iPhone in a class by itself.
by BeachSaint July 11, 2008
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didn't laugh at all; a reaction to something unexpectedly rude, condescending, sexist or racist
Tom made a blatantly racist comment he thought was funny -- dlaa.
by BeachSaint July 11, 2008
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The repeated posting of unpopular opinions, particular racial and sexual slurs, which make other people gag. Derivative of the original usage which meant inhaling nitrous oxide.
Mary wouldn't stop nanging about a popular talk show host even though no one agreed.
by BeachSaint January 26, 2008
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defiantly confrontational; also an exclamation of contempt

According to the The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms, this slangy phrase originated in sports journalism about basketball during the 1970's as a phrase of contempt used against the opposing team and extended to other areas in the 1980s.
by BeachSaint December 4, 2007
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