1 definition by BabushkaBoi120

Starvation. Induced. Healing. Sound. Effects. - When you've finally gotten the chance to save (eat)
yourself from starvation and the only thoughts that that swirl around in your head are Estus Flask sound effects and the Fullness of have eating an entire feast (usually only occurs in people who pay close-attention to the various sound effects of healing items in various video games.)
Guy #1: "Hey man, I can't wait to get to lunch. I'm so freaking hungry, more than anything you could ever know."

Guy #2: "Yeah man, I betcha' that you're going to have some major S.I.H.S.E. when you devour your meal.

Guy#1: "What's that?"

Guy #2: "Starvation.Induced.Healing.Sound.Effects. It's just another Urban Dictionary word that I looked up today., it's a pretty interesting word that I had know idea that someone could think it up.

Guy #1: "Cool... I'll look it up... Well, seeyah at lunch!"

Guy #2: "K, toodles!"
by BabushkaBoi120 March 9, 2020
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