7 definitions by Ashton230907

A very classy way of saying goodbye
Bob: eyb doog

Steven: wow you're posh
by Ashton230907 February 21, 2020
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When that one kid (at high school) who reminds the teacher that they was gonna give out home work when the teacher has clearly forgotten.
Casper: remember the homework you were going to give out?

Teacher: ahh yes, thanks Casper for reminding me.

Me: Casper, you sandwich!
by Ashton230907 February 21, 2020
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When someone is just about to die
It's such a shame, John is homer.
by Ashton230907 February 20, 2020
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Wow! That snake is Longlyponk!
by Ashton230907 February 20, 2020
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