13 definitions by ArmyDave

to yell at someone and make them feel afraid and worthless
"Man, the Sarge came in last night and gave Williams both barrels of the shit shotgun for fucking up"
by ArmyDave September 24, 2006
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A hard, "Bruce Lee cross-kick style" kick to a fat bitch's gunt. Used in self defense after a fat bitch gets drunk and thinks she has a chance with you. If you don't know what a gunt is, look it up.
I was at this party one time and this fat bitch named Terry* "Fatty" McGatty came up and drunkly told me that she wanted to fuck me, right in front my slimmer girlfriend. So, as any man of sound mind and body would do, I gave her a hard Gunt Kick, grabbed my girl by the hand and ran like hell. Everyone saw it. My buddy Sherwin later told me "It was the Gunt Kick heard around the world". *first name changed
by ArmyDave October 1, 2006
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John - Hey, want to get a bite to eat?
Barry - No thanks, I ran into Mary and had breakfast at the "Y"
by ArmyDave September 24, 2006
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When a girl has one of those retarded tatoos just over her ass. Any girl with one of these tatoos can usually be found at the bar on a Friday or Saturday night, with 4-10 other girls, getting drunk and puking in the parking lot after.
"Hey, check out the ass on that bitch"
"Not bad, I see she bears the mark of the swamp donkey"
by ArmyDave January 6, 2007
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A short Italian Corperal in the Ontario Regiment. He could'nt get laid for a long time, then all of a sudden he had bitches coming out his ass. He also makes alot of references to screwing other people's mothers.
I was out in the field one time, having a smoke, when Pimp Diddy came out of the bush covered in blood. When I asked what happened, he said he just got done fucking my mom and she had her period all over him. True Story.
by ArmyDave October 4, 2006
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A sexual act, usually performed between 2 males. The guys link their assholes together as close as they can. The one guy then shits directly into the asshole of the other guy. It's fucking gross and these 2 guys, Jeff W. and Brian K. claim they did it. I then shot them both.
"Hey Jeff, what do you want to do tonight? Anal, Oral, Necro???" asked Brian in a voice too homo for words.

"Naw, let's have a good old fashioned "Shit Swap" replied Jeff, his beedy pig-like eyes twinkling

"A shit swap?!!!?? I'll grab the plastic sheets and the laxative!!!!" exclaimed Brian, in a fake manly voice.
by ArmyDave October 1, 2006
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A common ploy used in the army to amuse the troops during inspection. The N.C.O will pick up a soldier's boots and ask him what he is doing with airborn boots. Confused, the young troop will stammer that they were issued to him/he does'nt know/he thought they were regular boots. The N.C.O will then show why they are airborn boots and proceed to throw them violently out the window/doorway/tentflap. While doing so, the N.C.O will say "See, they're fucking Air Born Boots, ya scroate!!!!
Hey, what are you doing with these fucken airborn boots, you fucken scroate?? Want to know why they're airborn boots???" **throws boots into the air** "Because they're fucking Air Born!!!"""
by ArmyDave October 1, 2006
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