4 definitions by Apersoncontributingtosociety

1) When the seat is yeeting too hard and you just got to get up.

2) An expression used to show how much something sucks. The yeet didn’t even get up from the seat.
“I’m about to fail my math test.”
“That’s a yeet in the seat
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Acronym for Pray about It- used between Christians
I can’t decide what I want to do with my life.”
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When someone has a HUGE group of friends, but they aren’t particularly close with all of them.
“Oh my god, Sarah is SOOOO popular.”
“No, she actually just has a bunch of konnections with a k.”
by Apersoncontributingtosociety February 19, 2018
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When you texting a lot with a guy or girl except it feels a bit sketchy and awkward in person and you don’t know if you like them or not
Man, Liz and Joe have such bad Barrett disease right now! I hope they make it as a couple together!
by Apersoncontributingtosociety October 17, 2017
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